Individual Consultations
Individual assistance by way of individual appointment, telephone consultation, or online conversation is available at all phases of the Program, including creating a structure for introspective analysis, selection of frameworks, and the application of frameworks selected. Very often, there are situations in which the application of a framework or selected principle is accompanied by a conflict or appears to be too difficult to implement. In these situations, understanding the basic mechanics of the decision and application involved will allow a participant to overcome the apparent difficulty and continue to progress.
The basic formulas of Pathways to Personal Excellence are spelled out point by point in the material on both sites, primarily While these writing set forth the basics, success is maximized the more decisions align with goals and stated frameworks. Decision making is one of the most complex, if not the most complex and important human undertaking. In the implementation of a personal plan, there are inevitable challenges which accompany a change in life trajectory. On line consultation is available as a method for dialoguing and successfully overcoming these challenges. |